Title: Tempting BAD (VIP Spin-off, Brooke and Devon's Story)
Author: M. Robinson
I’ve come from a privileged life and an even more privileged upbringing. My parents taught me right from wrong and everything in between… except I wanted the gray area. I wanted to live life on the edge with the possibility of falling over. I didn't care about the consequences because I had no heart…
I left that on the floor of my parent’s bedroom door, shattered.
And never went back to pick up the pieces.
Family first.
I learned the meaning of the word hate.
I learned that life is a battlefield and I stood frontline.
I learned that praying doesn't work and God doesn't listen.
And I learned how to be a man…
All at the receiving end of my father’s fists, my mother’s tears, and my sisters screams.
You can’t run away from your past…
It will always find you, especially when you’re asleep.
Warning: Book contains adult situations.
Marci's Review - 4.7 STARS
M. Robinson's brings us a fourth book, and standalone from the VIP series with "Tempting Bad" it is the back story of Ysa's most trusted friends, Brooke and Devon. Two people who not only hide from their pasts, but do everything in their power to escape it.
Storyline - 5 BOOKS
Story line was well written and well thought out. Especially the events and the times frames that were referenced in the books preceding it. To me that's important. Some authors completely forget what they've written in past books and change up details. Even if it's a minor detail, it's a turn off. But M. Robinson's details and references from the previous novels are consistent. I loved that "Tempting Bad" is written from both the POVs (point of view) of Devon and Brooke. This books is standalone, and brilliantly written in the way that, you do not have to read VIP Trilogy, but there's enough Ysabelle, Sebastian, and the Madame, that you want to read it by the time you finish this one.
Not to spoil anything but Devon kind of redeemed himself in my eyes from what took place in MVP. I didn't like what down between he and Ysabelle in MVP from the first page/prologue. I don't care what what the circumstances are, that just shouldn't have gone down. His back story redeemed his character a bit. He is genuine and a sweetheart. You feel bad for him and all he's had to go thru. Brooke, a privileged girl who, when she finds or feels her family doesn't fit her definition of LOVE, decides she going to do everything in her power to avoid it; even it means becoming a VIP. She's kind of a bitch, the way she gets a rise out of toying with the emotions of her clients. It's nothing more than the great escape from where she's come from. It's the great escape from herself. It's the great escape from love. When she meets Devon their connection is instant. They both read each other like a book. I will say I do adore the connection that they both have. Each of them knocking down each other's walls.
Sex/Scenes of Intimacy... 4 DRIPPIN' WET PANTIES....
And one soaked shirt... LOL! So Brooke is like very orgasmic and much like a geyser. And there's a wild scene in Vegas. Besides all that, I enjoyed the more intimate moments she and Devon shared. It was sweet, comforting, and reassuring. For the connection and understanding that these two shared the love making topped the freaky moments, in my opinion. We know that Brooke is a sexual badass, but it's her moments of vulnerability when I liked her the most.
4.7 STARS - Go pick up "Tempting Bad"
I looked around the room and although it was classy and refined, it didn’t feel homey. It felt cold and detached and I made my way over to stand in front of the bay window. The view was breathtaking.
It was then that I realized this wasn’t a place to sleep.
It was a place to fuck.
“This isn’t your home, is it?”
“No,” she murmured in my ear, behind me.
“I see.”
“It’s Madam’s.”
“Where do you live?”
She handed me my drink and took hers down in one gulp, placing the empty glass on the table. She moved to stand in front of me and leaned against the bay window. The lighting made her look like an angel.
“Don’t worry about it,” she stated, reaching up and unclasping her hair. It flowed loosely and she shook it out, making it fall right in front of her face. I knew she did it on purpose.
I let her have her security.
For now.
“I thought you want to play, Devon?”
I laughed. “Bambi, I couldn’t afford you,” I blurted without thinking and her eyes widened with a mixture of hurt and confusion, but just like before it was gone before it even fully appeared.
“What if I don’t want you to pay?” she offered surprised with her own words.
“Does it work like that? Kinda like a drug dealer, huh? Give the first sample for free and have me coming back for more?” I teased, trying to break the intensity of our stares.
Now it was her turn to laugh. “Something like that. So are you going to take me up on my offer?”
“What’s in it for me?”
“The time of your life.”
M. Robinson loves to read. She favors anything that has angst, romance, triangles, cheating, love, and of course sex! She has been reading since the Babysitters Club and R.L. Stein.
She was born in New Jersey but was raised in Tampa Fl. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D in psychology, with two years left.
She is married to an amazing man who she loves to pieces. They have two German Shepherd mixes and a Tabby cat.